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Crafting distinctive SaaS brands for ambitious marketers.

Imagine steering your tech company expansion with clear strategy and extraordinary design. You, the aspiring marketer, are crafting an unforgettable presence in the fierce digital marketplace.

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Claire Austin
A Sydney branding & design agency that ticks every single box
- Claire Austin, Ex Head of Audience @ King Content Sydney
Bettermade Top 100 Branding Agencies Sydney by The Manifest
Google review 5 stars
Top Branding Company by Clutch
Bettermade stands out in a sea of ordinary. Offering exceptional support to marketing teams, their infusion of creativity and strategy sets them ahead. They're my go-to recommendation in Sydney. Don't just take my word for it, reach out. How will Bettermade elevate your brand?
Bronwyn Karaoglu
Marketing VP @ Ignition
Selected Work

Brand traffic trends surged from 11% to 67% after rebranding


New website triples conversion rate within six months of launch


Award campaign drives 70% increase in online brand presence


Double cafe subscriptions after new brand launch


Branding ANZ's first-ever community for B2B marketers to gather and collaborate.

Collaborating with one of the top branding agencies in Sydney has been an absolute pleasure. Their problem-solving dedication and exceptional results speak for themselves.
Kim Janson profile picture
Kim Janson
Design & Creative Director of Product Design, Innovation and Brand at Limepay
Jolene Chang and Long Truong working on a branding project for a little. The work is spread on the table in their Sydney office.

How can we help

Brand strategy
We will work with you to assess your brand perception among customers and develop a strategy to achieve your desired outcomes.
Brand Identity
We can assist you in creating a consistent visual language that reflects your brand's core values and enhances your communication efforts.
A clear verbal identity and messaging guideline to help maintain alignment internally, and externally.
Website Design
Using workshops and sprints, we design websites that are easy to navigate and valuable to your customers.
Design System
Speed up the design process, spend more time on the creative work your team loves, and stay on brand across all channels.

Marketing Campaign
Discover how creative campaigns can turn your stories into powerful marketing tools, from digital ads to unforgettable online experiences.
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What services do you offer?

We're your one-stop-shop under-one-roof for all things brand-related, offering a wide range of services to take your brand to the next level. From brand strategy to brand identity development, website design and development to content creation, marketing campaigns and assets to social media banner systems, we've got you covered. And that's not all - we also provide top-notch brand support to ensure your brand stays strong and relevant in today's ever-changing landscape. So if you're ready to take your brand to new heights, look no further than our agency. We're here to help you succeed.

How do you approach the branding process?

We don't just wing it - we take a systematic approach that yields results. First, we conduct in-depth market research to truly understand your audience and competition. Then, we identify your target audience and develop a unique brand positioning that sets you apart from the rest. From there, we create a brand identity that captures the essence of your brand and resonates with your audience. And finally, we apply that brand across various digital channels to ensure maximum impact and reach.

It's a process that works, and we've got the results to prove it. So if you're ready to take your brand to the next level, let us show you how it's done.

What is your process for designing a website?

Our website design process is a well-oiled machine that guarantees a website that not only looks great but also performs exceptionally well.

Here's how we do it: First, we conduct thorough research on your industry and competitors to understand what works and what doesn't. Then, we develop a sitemap and wireframes to ensure a seamless user experience. We also plan the content to ensure it resonates with your audience. From there, we move on to designing the website, using the latest technologies to create a modern and visually appealing website. We then develop the website with your preferred partner, and optimize it for search engines to ensure maximum visibility. Finally, we test and launch the website to ensure everything works as expected.

It's a process that works, and we're confident you'll love the results. So why wait? Let's create a website that will take your brand to new heights.

How do you measure the success of your marketing campaigns?

We don't just rely on a single metric, we use a range of metrics to ensure we're achieving our goals. We measure website traffic to see how many people are visiting your website. We look at lead generation to see how many people are interested in your product or service. We track conversion rates to see how many of those leads are turning into paying customers. We measure engagement rates to see how interested your audience is in your content. And finally, we look at ROI to see how much money you're making from your marketing efforts.

By using a range of metrics, we can ensure that we're achieving your goals and helping you succeed. So if you're ready to see real results, let us show you how it's done.

How do you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices?

We don't just stick to what we know, we're always exploring new ideas and strategies. We attend industry conferences, participate in webinars and workshops, and read industry publications to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices. But we don't stop there.

We believe in constantly testing and experimenting with new strategies and techniques to see what works best. We're not afraid to take risks and try new things to stay ahead of the game. As the great Seth Godin once said, "The cost of being wrong is less than the cost of doing nothing." So, we push ourselves to always be learning and growing, and we're not afraid to fail along the way.

By staying informed and experimenting with new strategies, we're able to provide our clients with innovative solutions that help them stand out in a crowded market.

How do you ensure brand consistency across all marketing channels and platforms?

We don't leave it up to chance, we have a clear set of brand guidelines that we develop for each client. These guidelines ensure that all marketing materials are consistent and aligned with the client's brand. We believe that a strong brand identity is key to standing out in a crowded marketplace. That's why we work closely with our clients to ensure that their messaging and branding aligns with their overall business goals.

We don't just create pretty graphics or catchy taglines, we make sure that every piece of marketing material is working towards a larger goal. As the great Seth Godin once said, "A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories, and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer's decision to choose one product or service over another."

We take this to heart and work tirelessly to ensure that our clients' brands are consistent and memorable across all channels and platforms.

How long does it typically take to complete a branding, website design, or marketing campaign?

We understand that every project is unique and the timeline for completion can vary depending on the scope and complexity. However, we don't leave it up to chance. We work closely with our clients to establish clear timelines and milestones to ensure that the project is completed on time and within budget. We believe that transparency and communication are key to a successful project.

As the great Seth Godin once said, "The only thing worse than starting something and failing... is not starting something." That's why we're dedicated to helping our clients start and finish their projects with confidence.

We know that time is money, especially in the fast-paced world of B2B SaaS, which is why we're committed to delivering high-quality work on time and within budget.

How do you collaborate during the project process?

We don't just work in a vacuum and hope for the best. We believe that collaboration is key to ensuring a successful project outcome. That's why we conduct regular check-ins, provide progress updates, and seek feedback and input throughout the project.

We believe that open and transparent communication is essential to building trust and ensuring that everyone is on the same page. As the great Seth Godin once said, "Communication is the backbone of any relationship. Without it, we are nothing."

We couldn't agree more, which is why we're dedicated to fostering strong relationships with our clients through regular communication and collaboration. We know that our clients are experts in their field, which is why we value their input and feedback throughout the project process. By working together, we're able to create a project outcome that exceeds expectations and drives results.

How do you collaborate during the project process?

We don't just work in a vacuum and hope for the best. We believe that collaboration is key to ensuring a successful project outcome. That's why we conduct regular check-ins, provide progress updates, and seek feedback and input throughout the project.

We believe that open and transparent communication is essential to building trust and ensuring that everyone is on the same page. As the great Seth Godin once said, "Communication is the backbone of any relationship. Without it, we are nothing."

We couldn't agree more, which is why we're dedicated to fostering strong relationships with our clients through regular communication and collaboration. We know that our clients are experts in their field, which is why we value their input and feedback throughout the project process. By working together, we're able to create a project outcome that exceeds expectations and drives results.

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