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Got it!
Take our 3-part quiz to run a brand audit for your B2B SaaS, and get a tailored checklist to boost your brand when you finish.
Start the brand strategy audit →
Free forever, only cost your name and email address. Next audit drops 02/Oct/2023.
Flame character illustration

A dozen of good reasons to run a brand audit

lines going opposite direction
Low conversion rates
Graph up
High churn rate
lines going opposite direction
Change in industry
Graph down
Low marketing ROI
Graph up
High CAC
lines going opposite direction
Change in company
Graph down
Graph up
High competition
lines going opposite direction
Change in product
Graph down
Low consistency
Graph up
High CPC
lines going opposite direction
Change in target audience
Graph down
The Lows
Conversion rates, Marketing ROI, Lifetime Customer Value, Brand Consistency
Graph up
The Highs
Churn rate, Industry Competitors, CPC, CAC
lines going opposite direction
The Changes
Industry trends, Company structure, Product offering, Target Audience

3 quizzes to get you questioning the health of your brand

Flame illustration wink
Brand Strategy
Establish a clear plan to build the brand upon
Brand strategy audit →
Flame illustration confused
Visual & Verbal Comms
Refine and align how your brand look and talk
Dropping 02/Oct/2023 →
Flame happy
Execution & Distribution
Boost your efforts for effective brand building
Coming Oct 2023 →
“The best way to predict the future is to create it. And that means constantly evolving your brand to meet the changing needs of your customers.”
Mark Cuban
Mark Cuban
Owner of the Dallas Mavericks and investor on Shark Tank
“The only constant in business is change, and brands that are able to adapt and evolve are the ones that will thrive.”
Angela Ahrendts
Angela Ahrendts
former SVP of Apple Retail
Answer 7 yes or no questions to find out if your brand has a soul, is attractive enough, and is helping growing your company.

Don’t forget to take your personalised checklist when you’re done.

Build your brand to connect, provoke and inspire people

Two customer head looking at head other

Influence the audience

When it comes to brands, there's always some kind of mental association that people have when they hear the company's name. It could be a memory, an impression, or an emotion.

In essence, the brand takes up mental real estate in your customers' heads and hearts, and branding is the tool you can use to shape the impression your brand leaves behind.
Moving customers through emotion

Move with the audience

Now, consider this: as time progresses, companies evolve, and industries transform. When your brand strategy and materials become outdated and no longer align with your company's vision, that's when growth gets stifled.

It's a domino effect - it becomes increasingly difficult to resonate with your target audience, attract the best talent, and convince investors to join your mission.
Head of customers together

Be a influential brand

A brand audit can help you identify any inconsistencies in your brand and marketing, differentiate yourself from competitors, and identify new opportunities to connect with your target audience.

Implement these insights in your branding and marketing efforts, and you'll find yourself progressing towards a more compelling brand. At the end of the day, isn't that what persuasion is all about?

How it works

This 3-part quiz, made up of 21 yes-or-no questions, helps run a brand audit that assess 3 different aspect of your brand.

Once you're done, a checklist made for you will land in your email, and you can boost your brand by carrying out the checklist's actions.

Rinse and repeat the process 2 more times for a complete brand audit.
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Answer 7 questions
Complete 7 yes or no questions to to get the audit findings for your brand strategy, visual and verbal comms, and execution and distribution.
Get your audit result
Receive your audit result in your inbox, featuring a comprehensive checklist you can follow to build a better brand for your company.
Action the checklist
Run through the checklist and take action to better your brand. Make sure you're tracking progress to know you're headed in the right direction.

About Bettermade

Founded in 2020, Bettermade is a digital-first branding agency dedicated to amplifying ideas through design. The two founders look after their clients as they would their children—Long is the fun dad who has a knack for inspiring creativity and uncovering interesting perspectives, while Jolene is the practical mum who implements systems that deliver results.

With their collective experience across advertising, tech, a funded Kickstarter campaign and an award-winning bakery, Bettermade Agency is committed to helping SaaS companies share human stories that inspire positive change for a better world.
Bettermade team members

Roast your brand to trim the fat and keep the goodness

Brand strategy audit →
Brand comms audit →
Brand distribution audit →
Free forever, only cost your name and email address. Next audit drops 02/Oct/2023.
Flame angry